

  • Working as an antipruritic/relieving itchy skin
  • Calm and soothe the liver
  • Support general health and wellbeing
SKU: AFSD65Hormone-1 Categories: ,


If you want to build a better body, feel stronger in the gym, and possess the same determination and drive you did back in your 20’s, you need a supplement to help tilt your hormones in your favour.

No matter what your age happens to be, Tribulus by Emrald Labs can help you get an edge on your day-to-day life and gym performance. If you’ve been feeling not like yourself lately and you do notice your workouts are going downhill, this is the product for you.

Tribulus has been traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for years with both the plant and flowers having multiple health benefits. These traditional benefits include:

  • decrease/reduce/relieve mild dizziness or headache symptoms
  • working as an antipruritic/relieving itchy skin
  • calm and soothe the liver
  • support general health and wellbeing
  • increase urine output
  • enhance or support healthy libido in males

This product is designed to provide the key ingredients that any man needs to help regain his former more youthful self.

Please note: This product is now TGA listed but we are still selling through old stock. Both versions are Tribulus so you may receive different packaging to the image online. Please reach out to our customer service team for any questions.

Directions for use

Take 3 capsules 1 hour prior to training. On non-training days take 3 capsules with breakfast.

Supplement Facts


Tribulus terrestris (Burra gokhru)

ext. dry conc. – 500mg

from dry fruit – 25mg


The information provided on this webpage is not intended to be medical advice or to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

This product should not be used to treat, cure or prevent any medical condition and is not to be used for therapeutic purposes (unless the product has been entered on the Australian Registrar of Therapeutic Goods).

We make no guarantee as to the results that you may experience from using this product or the information we make available on this webpage. Your results will depend on many factors, including but not limited to your age, gender, other products used, health history, exercise regimen, lifestyle and diet.

Please check with your health practitioner before making any changes to your diet or taking supplements, especially if you are pregnant, lactating or have a health condition. Always read directions for use carefully.

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